"We're Watching You"@Registered trademark
Current Cases
As of March 19, 2015 we are Currently working 11 Cases and Bringing in moreCase
Missing Adult=Found Deceased
2-Suspected Murder Investigations
2- Child Custody =Won
3- Child Endangerments= Working On
2= New Cheating Mate/Spouse=Working On
We have handled Thousands of Cases which have been closed and won!
3-Missing Teens
Status===>2 Found one Deceased
Police Officer needing Investigation to help
The case has been to court and our investigation helped keep him on the force.
We worked with his Attorneys and the DA.
Status===> Case Won!
Denver Taxi Driver in accident-Hit by drunk Driver
...Investigation underway...Statements taken of witnesses and police reports received....
Status=====> Investigation Current
Person Locate(2)
Status===> Found!!!
Many Personal and covert cases being worked
Status===> Private
3 Child Custody Cases
2 Suspected Cheating Spouse Cases
3 Skip Trace and person Locates
Status===> 1 Found and 2 Private
Thousands additional cases have been closed since 2008