"We're Watching You"@Registered trademark
Below are some of our missing and found persons. We understand the trauma you may be experiencing not knowing where your child is and if they are safe, or not. We understand and are parents ourselves, we care about your child and you. We also know that Police departments are inundated with many cases, too many, and that sometimes they cannot or will not help in finding your missing and/ or runaway child or family member. They most times do not have the resources or ability to do what a Private Investigator can do for you in this situation. If you child has runaway this can be extremely difficult for them as well as they do not want to be found and can make it harder on the Police to locate them. As in all missing persons cases. the authorities only have a limited number of legal options that they can pursue, but we don't...we can sit on it and expend the time and strategy necessary to find your child. We have been very successful in finding these and many other missing children and adults.